13 May 2011

New stash and mini album...

I got some more stash to add to my collection...most of it is Love Elsie (so predicatable!). There's also a Maya Road chipboard mini book which I may use to do a Royal Wedding album.

Another idea for a mini book (which my best scrappy friend told me about- thanks Kara) is using a toilet roll tube, squashing it flat and inserting tags inside for journalling, so cool.
Here's the video:

I made another mini book recently of our birthday trip to St. David's bay in Wales.  Our birthdays are only two days apart so we usually go away for a little trip together to celebrate :)

This is a picture of my hubby changing the wheel on our car and the story goes like this:

we're driving along the M4 at 70mph

Abby:   " Baby the car feels like it's shaking alot."
Hubby: " Oh, don't worry it's just cos it's old and we're going fast."
Abby:   "But it feels like its wobbling, much more than on the journey out here!"
Hubby: "Are you sure?"
Abby:   "Yeah I really think we should pull over and check what's wrong!"

So we pull over and I drive the car around the forecourt of the petrol station a couple of times....

Hubby: "Yeah actually that back wheel looks very wobbly!"
Abby:   "Let's look at it....."

Turns out the tyre rubber had split and the metal wire(s) was sticking out! The tyre was now twisting on the rim (hence the wobbling!). So, out comes the car jack, spare tyre and Hayes manual....15 mins later we're wobble-free down the M4!

Last but not least, as promised, here are some photos of our chickens in their little palace:

 What is that strange creature in the run??

4 May 2011

home improvements...

I'm currently working on a mini book all about growing a little vegetable patch and getting two new chickens for our back garden. The vegetable patch was going to be in one section of our front garden so we cleared out all the rubble and weeds in preparation.  My hubby then came up with the idea that a bike shed would be a much better use of the space!

So I needed to think of a new plan for my veggies.  After some re-arranging of plants in the back garden and getting a couple of patio tubs, I now have the same amount of space :)  We also wanted to make use of the dead space at the bottom of our back garden so decided to build a chicken hutch/run.  My dad worked really hard at building a super duper hutch complete with ladder, perches, two egg laying boxes and an easy open side for cleaning them out.  My dad and hubby then built a fully enclosed run around the hutch.

Photos to follow with the completed run and our two new chickens...'Will and Kate' enjoying their new home.

Also completed a layout of our trip to the Ideal Home Show at Earls Court in London.  We went with a couple of mates and had a great day out.  There was SO much to see that we barely got round it all but loved looking at all the goodies and clever little gadgets and sampling some yummy food :)

That's about it, will leave you with a pic of a wooden love word that i customised with my favourite October Afternoon paper. Its sitting proudly on one of my scrapbook shelves :)