6 October 2009

Back from Africa :)

Just got back from a two week trip to Malawi, had a great time!! Went with my Uni friend Ella and had a few 'behind the scenes' tours of the local hospitals as part of a research project for uni. Stayed with some family friends, this is our hosts grand-daughter, 5 year old Lauren, she is the cutest kid :) Took these photos during one of the many power cuts, i dressed her up in ALL my jewellery, she loved it and was strutting around like a little princess :)

On one of the Saturdays we went to an engagement party, it was quite the experience! The day started with the ring giving ceremony then we had bioled rice and goat for lunch (which Ella couldn't stomach so palmed it off to the village kids who were more than happy to help her eat it!) In the afternoon there was the gift giving ceremony which basically involved dancing around the couple and throwing money (notes) at them which they use for the wedding and starting married life. The couple got a total of the equivalent of 10 months of a teachers wages out there, nice! Below is a picture of the goat being cooked on outdoor fires.

Had to do all our washing by hand, Primark clothes do not stand up well to this tough scrubbing!!

Went to a wildlife park and this was the sign by the entrance. Thought it was very funny that they felt the need to clarify that hunting was prohibited and removing animals was not allowed!

Well i'll be doing some scrapbooking today in between my uni lectures so will update with my new layouts tomorrow :) Is good to be back on British soil.

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